Saturday, August 21, 2004

Happy Anniversary to us!

Believe it or not, we have now been open for one full year... and what a year it has been! We have seen people with many different ailments come in the store, from heel pain to back pain. We have had people cry in the store because they finally found something that worked. We have been hugged by many people for providing them some relief and making their lives pain free. We have met so many people in so many walks of life and have developed some lasting relationships as each person becomes part of our Z-CoiL Family.

People have canceled surgeries, stopped their daily pain medication, discontinued cortisone and cartilage injections and stopped having to walk on their toes because the pain was so bad. We've seen people come in the store with pain and walk out with little or no pain and better posture. It has been truly unbelievable to say the least!

To go home at the end of the day and know that we have put a smile on someone's face, changed their whole demeanor and drastically impacted their daily lives makes this profession one that can't be beat!

What a truly remarkable year... Hope yours was as rewarding!

Till later,

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