Sunday, July 18, 2004

Z-CoiL's brave 9 days in Disneyworld and Epcot Center!

One of our customers came into the store yesterday to buy a third pair of Z-CoiL's for her and a pair of the men's sandals for him, his second pair.  They bought their first pairs at the end of December in 2003.  Both of them had issues they were dealing with including heel spurs, back  and knee problems. 
During their trip, the were on their feet from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM, doing all the normal tourist type things you do at these amusement areas.  Both them just couldn't stop telling us about how great they felt during that time, how much energy they had, and how they would not have been able to do it if it hadn't been for their Z-CoiL Footwear!
Of course, they were noticed also by many people, who inquired about the shoes, how they helped, and even asking them if they would take them off so they could try them!  Hopefully, they will get me a picture and a bit more of their story that we can post!
Till later...

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