Friday, July 30, 2004

Saved her life!

I had a customer come into the store yesterday to get another pair of shoes. She basically said that Z-CoiL's have "saved her life!" Her knees were in very bad condition and she was extremely overweight. With Z-CoiL's, she was able to start walking again, which changed her whole outlook on life! She started eating better, lost 100 pounds through dieting and exercise, and she has no more knee pain. She has topped her injections of cortisone and is no longer on Vicodan. The relationship with her family has improved because her own self-esteem has improved significantly. She's was not sure where she would be today if it wasn't for Z-CoiL's!

I see many people daily who have had life changing experiences through the use of our pain relief footwear... maybe it's time for you to make the change!

Till later...

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