Thursday, September 07, 2006

Great Day!

How many times a day does someone say to you "Have a great day!" I know I hear it and say it a lot... Yesterday, a couple of things happened to help me understand better what a great day is. It is very relative, depending on your situation.

The first thing in the morning, I was out in the back of the store and noticed our cardboard man making his rounds. He makes a living by going around to shopping centers picking up cardboard boxes and taking them in for recycling. His truck was jammed full of cardboard, much more than normal. I asked him how he was doing, and he said "I'm having a great day! So much cardboard today!" That's what his measure of a great day was. He was smiling from ear to ear.

A little later, I had a customer come in the store. She was helped in by her husband to help steady her. Due to her back and knee issues caused by an automobile accident, she was very unsteady on her feet and in a lot of pain. We fit her for a pair of Z-CoiL Footwear and she was amazed! She could walk without assistance and her pain level had decreased dramatically. She made the comment "This is a great day for me! I just can't believe how much better I feel!" Her measure was the amount of pain relief and stability she had gained from the footwear...

This led to me thinking about my day. We had not sold as many pairs of shoes as I would like to have sold, but I realized that overall it was a great day for me also! I was above ground and breathing, I have a great family, friends and a comfortable home, and I had changed yet another person's life! What else could you ask for...

Till later,

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