Saturday, July 02, 2005

Testimonial - Celia Magsuci

Celia (left) bought her first pair of Z-CoiL's in September of 2004 and came into the store today with her friend, Erlinda Guillermo, whom she brought to purchase her first pair of Z-CoiL's! Celia had suffered from Scoliosis in the cervical and lumber area. She told us that it always felt like someone was shoving the end of a pen into different areas of her back, causing severe pain.

"Wearing Z-CoiL's has improved my back pain from 100% severe all day to 20-30% moderate pain even at the end of the day," says Celia. "I wear my Z-CoiL shoes all the time even when I do cooking for 2 hours. I run and jog with comfort and very little strain on my calves.

"I recommend Z-CoiL's to everyone. I am happy and lucky to have Z-CoiL shoes!"

Celia is definitely a big advocate of our footwear and with her smiley face and bubbly personality, it's hard not to take her recommendation!

Till later,

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