Friday, October 01, 2004

Another success story!

We had a customer come into our store today who purchased a pair of Z-CoiL's about one month ago. She was on a cane when she came into our store and had two main issues. One was foot drop, which is a nerve and/or muscle disorder that affects the patient's ability to raise their foot at the ankle. This led to issues with her hip and back, since she favored one side of her body, causing pain.

Today, she was not using her cane at all and was walking without limping! It was an incredible difference from the first time that we saw her. Not only was she no longer in pain, but the spring action of the coil and the rocker sole was making her walk more smoothly. She was very excited and told me of another gentleman whom she referred into another store for Z-CoiL's. He weighed 350 pounds, and basically never left the house since it was such a struggle to walk. Last week, he was at a meeting that he hadn't been able to attend for years and was so much happier. He is now committed to take off some of the weight since he can walk again!

It sure feels good to know that we are out there changing people's lives, not only from a physical, pain-free perspective, but the overall quality of life!

Till later,

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