Z-Coil Pain Relief Footwear Love Affairs: (2005-02-09)
Z-Blog Reporter/Jack Olmsted
Super Special Springy Soled Shoe Stories
PORT TOWNSEND, WA (February 8, 2005) In celebration of Valentines Day, February 14th, the Z-Blog Reporter, an interactive informational resource for independent Z-CoiL dealers and owners, is featuring customer stories regarding their love affairs with Z-CoiL Pain Relief Footwear.
http://z-coil.blogspot.comTwo Story Examples:
"It may surprise some of you who have known me for a long time to learn that I have become an avid runner. 5-6 miles 2-3 times a week has helped me lose and keep pounds off. But last year I suffered an ilio-tibial band injury... very painful. I couldn't walk without pain for days and for months I had trouble running. Since recovery I have been very cautious about not running on pavement and not running for too long.
Then I heard about ZCoil Shoes.
OK, they look strange. And the look may be enough to stop you from trying them. BUT, if you can get past the look you will be amazed by the ride. I can run again for long distances with no pain. The spring built into the heel absorbs most of the shock of impact. I even like to wear them when I go for a walk in the morning with my daughter -- it is a half mile downhill to the Peet's Coffee and I can really feel the difference when I am wearing my ZCoils.
If you enjoy running but experience knee, hip, or back pain -- give the ZCoil a try. I continue to be amazed after almost a month."
Ted Shelton
http://tedshelton.blogspot.com"I have plantar fasciitis and Morton's neuroma, I have had neuromas removed from one foot. I work 4-5 days per week 7:00 AM - 4:30 PM taking care of patients at the hospital. I have noticed thasince I have been wearing Z-Coils I have been able to continue to work hard, I have been able to keep up my pace and still have energy at the end of the day. They do make my life a lot better. I wear them all of the time.”
Kay O.
Robinson, TX
NOTE: There are many more stories in the Z-Blog Reporter’s archives.
Z-CoiL Pain Relief Footwear – What's So Special:
The unique patented design of Z-CoiL Footwear, combining a large coil under the heel with a rigid, ¾-length orthotic, is the invention of Z-Tech's Founder and Chairman of the Board, Al Gallegos. Al realized the many injuries he endured as an avid runner were caused by impact. His quest to develop shoes that would reduce the force of impact, while providing proper support, resulted in Z-CoiL Pain Relief Footwear.
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Contact:Jack Olmstedj_olmsted at yahoo dot com"