Tuesday, October 24, 2006

What a Hectic Month!

As I had posted, I was out of town for some very intense training for two weeks on my journey to become a pedorthist. I complete the pedorthic training and passed the test for the class! It was 11 days of 8:00AM to 7:30 PM with an hour for lunch with tons of information thrown at us, but I really learned a lot. It will help immensely in understanding people's issues and better fit Z-CoiL's for our customer's problems. I came back home for a couple of days then flew back out to Albuquerque to help out at the International Balloon Fiesta.

Z-CoiL Corporate had a booth there and were selling tons of shoes to people throughout the world! It is great exposure for our innovative product plus if you have never been to the Balloon Fiesta, there is a lot of walking everyday (just to get from the parking lot alone!) plus a huge field where all of the balloons launch from There were 700 balloons representing many different companies. So, here are at least a couple of shots for your enjoyment!

Till later,