Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Testimonial - Peggy Bulgar

Peggy first came into our store in November of 2004. She teaches preschool, so besides being on her feet all day, she also has to "stoop to their level", so to speak! The combination of the two caused issues with her feet and her back.

"I have loved my Z-CoiL's!" says Peggy. "I am on my feet all day long with pre-school children and I can now keep up with them! I have had pain for a long time in both my feet and my back. These shoes have been a blessing for me. Thank you so much!"

Peggy loves her shoes so much that she has most of the other preschool teachers in Z-CoiL's for their comfort and to resolve the issues they were dealing with. She definitely is a Z-CoiL advocate!

Till later,

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